Heir To An Unclaimed Estate?

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The deceased individuals who leave behind unclaimed estates may have had no known living relatives.

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Current Unclaimed Estates Statistics...

Unclaimed Estates Plotted Map Of The Uk

Each day, we meticulously gather and present all the available location data related to unclaimed estates on a comprehensive full-screen map currently under testing. With a straightforward approach, you can easily access this valuable information by clicking on the map image. This user-friendly method ensures that anyone interested can effortlessly explore the geographical details associated with unclaimed estates, all within the context of ongoing testing to ensure accuracy and functionality.

One of the oldest listed unclaimed estates yet to be administered is that of:
Julie Wizenberg who passed away on 30-04-1994 in Islington London N1.
One of the most recently listed unclaimed estates yet to be administered is that of:
Carol Edwina Davies who passed away on 21-03-2024 in Chichester Sussex.
Birth, Marriage and Death Record Stats...
5427 out of 6015 (90.22%) show a birth date
74 out of 6015 (1.23%) show a marriage date
6015 out of 6015 (100%) show a death date
74 out of 6015 (1.23%) show all three.
Average Age At Passing Away...
5427 out of 6015 (90.22%) have both recorded birth and death date.
Calculated from available data the average age at passing away was 75 years old.
Average Age At Marriage...
74 out of 6015 (1.23%) have both recorded birth and marriage date.
Calculated from available data the average age at marriage was 38 years.
Average Length Of Marriage...
74 out of 6015 (1.23%) have both recorded marriage and death date.
Calculated from available data the average length of marriage before passing away was 39 years.
Average Age At Date Of Entry To The UK
5 out of 6015 (0.08%) have a recorded date of entry to the UK
5 out of 6015 (0.08%) have both recorded birth and UK Entry date.
Calculated from available data the average age at Date of Entry to the UK was 34 years.
Total Number Of Unclaimed Estates With A Recorded Spouse Name...
285 out of 6015 (4.74%) have a recorded Spouse Name.
Marital Status Stats...
5856 out of 6015 (97.36%) have a recorded marital status
584 out of 6015 (9.71%) are recorded as a Widow
282 out of 6015 (4.69%) recorded as a Widower
732 out of 6015 (12.17%) recorded as a Spinster
1438 out of 6015 (23.91%) are recorded as a Bachelor
191 out of 6015 (3.18%) are recorded as a Single Man
86 (1.43%) are recorded as a Single Woman
2530 (42.06%) are recorded as Unknown
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*Raw data is extracted from a list of unclaimed estates held in trust by HM Govt. Legal Dept. (BV Division), known as Bona Vacantia. The list is public; we're not linked to GLD/BV or any Government department.
Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.