Heir To An Unclaimed Estate?

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In some cases, unclaimed estates are eventually sold at auction to the highest bidder.

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Inheriting Real Estate: What You Need to Know

Inheriting real estate is a multifaceted experience that comes with both blessings and responsibilities. It is imperative to grasp the implications and considerations that accompany inheriting property in the United Kingdom. This comprehensive guide aims to provide an in-depth understanding of what you need to know when inheriting real estate and the key factors that should be taken into account. However, it is essential to acknowledge that the information presented here is of a general nature and should not be perceived as a substitute for personalised legal advice. To ensure that you make informed decisions, it is highly advisable to consult a solicitor or financial advisor who can offer expert guidance aligned with your specific circumstances.

Estate Administration

Upon an individual's passing, their estate, which includes real estate, undergoes the probate process. This legally mandated procedure serves to validate the deceased's will and oversee the orderly distribution of assets, including real property.

Types of Ownership

The manner in which the property was owned by the deceased holds significance in the inheritance process:

  • Sole Ownership: If the deceased held sole ownership of the property, it will be bequeathed in accordance with their will or, in the absence of a will, it will follow the laws of intestacy.
  • Joint Ownership: Property held in joint ownership often passes directly to the surviving owner without necessitating probate procedures.

Inheritance Tax

The value of the inherited property may attract inheritance tax. It is imperative to have a comprehensive understanding of the inheritance tax threshold and to ascertain whether any exemptions or reliefs apply to mitigate the tax liability.

Maintaining the Property

As the inheritor, you will need to deliberate on the upkeep and potential costs associated with the inherited property. Decisions may need to be made regarding whether to sell the property, rent it out, or continue utilising it. Careful consideration and planning are necessary to ensure the property's optimal management.

Legal Guidance

Engaging the services of a qualified solicitor or financial advisor is of utmost importance when you inherit real estate. Their expertise is invaluable in guiding you through the intricate legal and financial facets of your inheritance, thereby ensuring that you make informed decisions aligned with your unique circumstances.


This guide aims to provide educational insights, and it should not be misconstrued as a source of legal or financial advice. The legal and regulatory framework surrounding real estate inheritance may exhibit variations depending on your jurisdiction, and these regulations may evolve over time, particularly in the context of the UK. To ensure that you receive guidance that is tailored to your specific situation, it is strongly recommended to consult with a qualified solicitor, financial advisor, or legal professional when inheriting real estate.

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*Raw data is extracted from a list of unclaimed estates held in trust by HM Govt. Legal Dept. (BV Division), known as Bona Vacantia. The list is public; we're not linked to GLD/BV or any Government department.
Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.